Electra Health

Abdominal Scar Tissue Mobilization

Abdominal Massage

When we think about the cause of our pain, we often think two-dimensionally. For instance, if we feel pain in our back, we assume that our back muscles are the culprits. While the primary pain location is not always the source, it can be a great diagnostic tool and give us clues as to where the actual driver of the pain is coming from. When looking at the body, it’s important to look at both how the right and left sides are interacting and affecting each other, as well as the front and back.

Abdominal Restrictions – Abdominal Massage
Vancouver Massage Therapy Clinic

Electra Health – 970 Burrard Street, Vancouver BC
Open 7 days a week from 8 am to 8 pm
604-685-4325 (HEAL)

Not only do our leg and gluteal muscles greatly influence the biomechanics and movement of the pelvis and back, but the hips, abdominal muscles, and other surrounding structures do as well. For instance, trigger points (‘knots’ in muscles that carry specific referral patterns) in the psoas, one of the hip flexor muscles, can refer to the lumbar spine and groin. Trigger points in one of the smaller gluteal muscles can refer down as far as the calf. Fascia, a type of connective tissue of which there is a copious amount in the body, can also affect balance and mobility; restrictions can arise from a wide variety of reasons including injury, prolonged immobility or poor habitual adaptive postures.

abdominal massage vancouver

While most of us have experienced the sensation of tight muscles at some point or another, restrictions in the abdominal cavity can feel foreign or go unnoticed. The digestive and reproductive organs are situated in the abdominal cavity; surrounding each structure are layers of fascia, that create barriers, confines, as well as allowing a “slide and glide” between structures. While the actual movement of the organs may not be very big, it is very important for the health of the organs and their function. Restrictions between the tissues can cause a variety of symptoms such as bloating, restricted movement, local and referred pain, constipation, and digestive issues.

One of the common causes of abdominal restrictions is surgery such as C-section, hernia repair or ovarian cyst/fibroid removal. Other causes include inflammatory disease (pelvic inflammatory disease), inflammation (appendicitis), abdominal or gynecological infections and radiation treatment for cancer.

Massage therapy can help in both the optimal healing of tissue as well as with the mobilization of restrictions, scar tissue, and fascia. Once the tissues are free from adhesions, their natural rhythm and functions can be restored. This is done through specific manual manipulation with a focus on restoring the natural “slide/glide” movement. Because of their location, adhesions in the surrounding fascia of the organs can also affect the back and even the upper shoulders. Imagine pulling one piece of yarn in a knit sweater and watching how far its line of pull travels; the same principle applies to the body, especially if an adhesion has been present for many years.

“Of patients who undergo abdominal surgery, 93% develop abdominal adhesions. Surgery in the lower abdomen and pelvis, including bowel and gynecological operations, carries an even greater chance of abdominal adhesions. Abdominal adhesions can become larger and tighter as time passes, sometimes causing problems years after surgery.” (quote source)

The body will adapt and work around the injury/adhesion, often unbeknownst to us. Often symptoms will arise, seemingly without cause, in other parts of the body.

In addition to physical restrictions, there can also be an emotional component as well.  Protective postures can subconsciously develop as we heal in an effort to shield or hide the injury site from the outside world. Massage therapy not only frees up some of the physical restrictions, but it can also free up some of the emotional restrictions as well.

Abdominal Restrictions – Abdominal Massage
Vancouver Massage Therapy Clinic

Electra Health – 970 Burrard Street, Vancouver BC
Open 7 days a week from 8 am to 8 pm
604-685-4325 (HEAL)

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